Love Word quotes - Let us listen to some beautiful words or word quotes from famous people, which surely could provide inspiration for us all. said the word pearl is very useful for inspiring us who may now madly in pain. either because of a breakup, or because work is piling up that makes you bored, then the wise words of wisdom is perfect for you.
Immediately wrote the following several Aphorisms hopefully can make a calm and peaceful
Passion is one of the main elements that ease the effort and change activities that mediocrity becomes a job that can be enjoyed.
You can, if you think you can, as long as reasonable to think that could be. Limitation of whether something makes sense or not, we'll see someone else, if anyone else has done or has reached his dream, the dream is reasonable
If you want a different life, make different decisions as well
Love never asks, he sentiasa giving, love brings misery, but never bear a grudge, never take revenge. Where there is love there is life, when hatred leads to extinction. ~ Mahatma Gandhi
The only way for us to acquire love, is not demanding that we loved, but start giving affection to others without expecting anything in return. (Dale Carnegie)
The words of love that was born just on the lips and not in the liver is able to crush the entire body and soul, when words of love that was born from a sincere heart is able to mengubati all wounds in the hearts of those who hear
Face the problem of life itself kmu and acknowledge its existence, but do not let yourself kmu kmu in kuasainya.Biarkanlah themselves aware of the situation of education in the form of patience, happiness, and understanding the meaning. (Hellen Keller)
Sult.mengenal problem solving that problem more sulit.tetapi find the problem much more difficult (Albert Einstein)
Treat everyone with kindness and a sense of their misconduct on hormat.meski kamu.ingatlah that kmu show respect for others not for who they are but for who himself kmu. (Andrew T. Somers)
A wise owl sitting on a branch. The more he saw, the less he spoke. The less he spoke, the more he heard. Why do not we like the wise owl who is it? (Edward Mersey Ricards)
Pain makes you think. Thoughts to make you wise. Wisdom allows us to survive in life. (John Pattrick)
The author rarely intellectuals. Intellectual yan is they talk about a book written by someone else. (Françoise Sagan)
We will be unable to curb his anger and lust as a whole to not leave any traces in us. But if you try to control both by training and a strong determination, we would be. (Imam al-Ghazali)
Successful people were not in never falling, but several times he got up when it falls. because the end of the hall is there we'll never know until we're in it.
The bodies may be crashing and terjungkil, but the soul and the Holy Jihad should not perish. Thinkers and mujahid science should not be hesitant and nervous about facing challenges. he must be calm, resilient and clever to save themselves, control the course of struggle and develop expectations. when the truth has arrived, falsehood will perish
All humans will die except the knowledgeable. all the knowledgeable will sleep unless their knowledge (Al Hadith)
Knowledge is a precious heritage, character is like new clothes and mind like a mirror which is clear (clear). (Ali ibn Abi Talib)
Verily after difficulty there is ease, then when you have completed any work, then do it in earnest for another job. hope thou to thy Lord (Qur'an S. Alamnasyarah paragraphs 6,7 and 8)
Who's goods out of the house to learn one chapter of science, then he has been running fiie sabiilillah until he returned to his home (H. R Tarmizi dar Anas)
The song is no song sung before, love is not love before the reveal. because cinat not to be buried but for the fighting.
Love is a feeling that there should be on every soul of man, he setitis like the dew which fell from the sky, clean and pure. Only the divergent tanahnyalah accept it. If he fell into an uninhabited land, it grew by kerana dew wickedness, lies, fraud, steps and other oblique cases reprehensible. But if he falls to the ground is fertile, there will grow kesuciaan heart, sincerity, loyalty and high moral character, etc. are admirable temperament. ~ Hamka
*** In the lift from Various Sources ****
Immediately wrote the following several Aphorisms hopefully can make a calm and peaceful
Passion is one of the main elements that ease the effort and change activities that mediocrity becomes a job that can be enjoyed.
You can, if you think you can, as long as reasonable to think that could be. Limitation of whether something makes sense or not, we'll see someone else, if anyone else has done or has reached his dream, the dream is reasonable
If you want a different life, make different decisions as well
Love never asks, he sentiasa giving, love brings misery, but never bear a grudge, never take revenge. Where there is love there is life, when hatred leads to extinction. ~ Mahatma Gandhi
The only way for us to acquire love, is not demanding that we loved, but start giving affection to others without expecting anything in return. (Dale Carnegie)
The words of love that was born just on the lips and not in the liver is able to crush the entire body and soul, when words of love that was born from a sincere heart is able to mengubati all wounds in the hearts of those who hear
Face the problem of life itself kmu and acknowledge its existence, but do not let yourself kmu kmu in kuasainya.Biarkanlah themselves aware of the situation of education in the form of patience, happiness, and understanding the meaning. (Hellen Keller)
Sult.mengenal problem solving that problem more sulit.tetapi find the problem much more difficult (Albert Einstein)
Treat everyone with kindness and a sense of their misconduct on hormat.meski kamu.ingatlah that kmu show respect for others not for who they are but for who himself kmu. (Andrew T. Somers)
A wise owl sitting on a branch. The more he saw, the less he spoke. The less he spoke, the more he heard. Why do not we like the wise owl who is it? (Edward Mersey Ricards)
Pain makes you think. Thoughts to make you wise. Wisdom allows us to survive in life. (John Pattrick)
The author rarely intellectuals. Intellectual yan is they talk about a book written by someone else. (Françoise Sagan)
We will be unable to curb his anger and lust as a whole to not leave any traces in us. But if you try to control both by training and a strong determination, we would be. (Imam al-Ghazali)
Successful people were not in never falling, but several times he got up when it falls. because the end of the hall is there we'll never know until we're in it.
The bodies may be crashing and terjungkil, but the soul and the Holy Jihad should not perish. Thinkers and mujahid science should not be hesitant and nervous about facing challenges. he must be calm, resilient and clever to save themselves, control the course of struggle and develop expectations. when the truth has arrived, falsehood will perish
All humans will die except the knowledgeable. all the knowledgeable will sleep unless their knowledge (Al Hadith)
Knowledge is a precious heritage, character is like new clothes and mind like a mirror which is clear (clear). (Ali ibn Abi Talib)
Verily after difficulty there is ease, then when you have completed any work, then do it in earnest for another job. hope thou to thy Lord (Qur'an S. Alamnasyarah paragraphs 6,7 and 8)
Who's goods out of the house to learn one chapter of science, then he has been running fiie sabiilillah until he returned to his home (H. R Tarmizi dar Anas)
The song is no song sung before, love is not love before the reveal. because cinat not to be buried but for the fighting.
Love is a feeling that there should be on every soul of man, he setitis like the dew which fell from the sky, clean and pure. Only the divergent tanahnyalah accept it. If he fell into an uninhabited land, it grew by kerana dew wickedness, lies, fraud, steps and other oblique cases reprehensible. But if he falls to the ground is fertile, there will grow kesuciaan heart, sincerity, loyalty and high moral character, etc. are admirable temperament. ~ Hamka
*** In the lift from Various Sources ****
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